Sam Engles, Exotic Skins
Sam Engles

The cases shown below are owned by Steve Feld who has generously contributed to this site. These cases are made by Sam Engles out of Jackson, Tennessee,  except the 2nd one from the left, which is a Kelli (by Bill McDaniels, the cue maker).

Sam uses the same difficult leather application technique as Fellini, where leather caps the top and bottom of the case.  He uses a double friction ring to seal the case.
These  cases are covered in some of the most prized skins available. The first 3 from the left are wrinkled elephant ear. Notice the texture? The light gray (2nd from the left)  is natural color.  The 4th case from the left is smooth elephant ear. Next to that is a particularly striking select python hide. Then we have smooth leather and finally on the far right, Teju Lizard. Elephant and lizard are some of the most durable coverings available. Sam builds a great case!
Recipe for an Engles Case

Sam has his own PVC extruded especially for his cases. Ever wonder how they're made?

-Start with the 3 pieces
-fashion end wood from maple
-glue padding to bottom piece
-install ends
-drill 3/8 hole for dowels (4 in all)
-remove and glue endwood
-glue dowels
After this process a 24 hr. drying period is required
-trim and sand excess dowel wood
-cut top and bottom radius with Router
-cut radius inside top lip
-cut valley for o-rings in slip joint
-sand ends and body of case
-mark centerline on case
-cut leather, first overall size and then cut top
section from that piece
-apply glue to leather and let dry for 24 hrs.
-apply second coat of glue and let stand for 15    
-skin the bottom with the leather
-skin top
-let dry for 24 hrs.
-finish ends and inside top
-let dry for 24 hrs.
-glue slip-joint to bottom
-sew lining and glue in the case
-hand sand o-ring valley to tight fit and then    
install o-rings,which are floating.

-Install upholstery tacks on the bottom of the case.

and FINALLY...

-Sell case for less than it is worth!

Sam and his son, Keifer

Above, the bare PVC tubes being fashioned for a case. Maple blocks are doweled and glued for the end caps, then routed to shape. Sam's cases are strong!

Below, exotic skins being applied.